„We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.”
I am Szilvia Tünde SEBESTYÉN.
Psychologist, ICD therapist candidate, Business-, Life-, and Child Coach, Economist, Trainer.
A vulnerable person.
A fragile woman.
A good enough mother.
I love and get disappointed, make mistakes and learn, and I am on a journey, like everyone else. I enjoy writing and dancing. AND I love seeing the good in people and helping them follow their own path and achieve all they can in their lives.
Since I was a young child, I have been interested in how people function and why they do so in the way they do. However, it was only after the birth of my children and the loss of my family of origin and parents that I truly turned to the science of psychology. I experienced the finiteness and fragility of life, the significance of life and death, and the cruelty of life and death too closely and too early. I received a bit of existential shock therapy from life, as Irvin D. Yalom describes in his books. This experience has strongly influenced my professional path, values, and the methods and professionals I began to learn from.

As a professional, I consider myself a humanistic, transpersonal and existentialist practitioner. My interests include health psychology, the psychological background of somatic (physical) illnesses, holistic methods, body-oriented therapies, and child psychology – because “all grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.” as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry writes at the beginning of The Little Prince. Additionally, the world of fairy tales, arts, and symbols is close to me.

I completed my university studies in clinical and health psychology. As a humanistic, person-centered professional, I consider it important for the developmental process to occur in an accepting, empathetic, and supportive environment. I am a member of the PCE-Europe and PCE-world (WAPCEPC) client-centered, international professional communities.
In terms of self-awareness, I have completed 300 hours of psychodrama-oriented self-awareness training.
I have also tried alternative and controversial methods at the experiential level, such as somatodrama with Dr. László Buda, and Family Constellation with Emma Péntek and Dr. Mária Angster psychotherapist.
In addition to these, I also gained my own experience of using playback theatre techniques for self-awareness.
Currently, I am training in a novel body-oriented, integrative method.
I first learned the tools of coaching with an NLP focus, and then in a holistic approach.
Feel free to reach out to me with confidence!
My Studies and Qualifications:
Licensed Psychologist – Adult Clinical and Health Psychology Specialization – Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, 2022.
I completed my professional internship at the Awakenings Foundation under the professional guidance of Dr. Judit Harangozó.
Psychodrama – 300 hours of experiential self-awareness training – Hungarian Psychodrama Association
ICD awareness – Ongoing experiential, integrative body-oriented psychotherapeutic self-awareness and methodology training
Business and Life Coach, as well as Holistic Child Coach – Baranyi Ágnes LHAMO Vital Human Training and Service Ltd., and Lineo International Consulting Ltd., 2022.
Licensed Economist – HR and Management Specialization – University of Miskolc, 2007.
Trainer – Dual Focus Consulting Ltd., 2021.
Systemic Family Constellation practitioner
Great people and professionals who have had a significant impact on my professional path and values:
Ádám György Kiss – Trainer in psychodrama, action-centered supervisor, master coach, and the Artistic Director of the ÜVEGGYÖNGYJÁTÉK Playback Community Theater and the Budapest Playback Theater School – Community Space
László Pintér – body psychotherapist, developer of the ICD self-awareness method
Enesa Mahic – body psychotherapist, developer of the ICD self-awareness method
Dr. Orsolya Gőbel – Psychologist, Teacher, developer of the Magic Games Book Series
Dr. Éva Hadházi – Psychologist, Prenatal and Child Relaxation Therapist, Family Therapist, Relationship Analyst
Tamás Vekerdy – Child Psychologist
Dr. László Buda – Psychiatrist, developer of the Somatodrama Method
Mária Tornyossy – Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Emma Péntek – Family Constellator
Dr. Mária Angster – Family Constellator, Psychotherapist
Márta S. Tóth – Life and Business Coach, NLP Trainer, Mediator
Ágnes Baranyi – Thai Masseuse, developer of BBMM Baby Massage
I am grateful to fate for having met them!