My Code of Ethics

Under this code of ethics, I commit to:

  • Continuously improving my performance and results.
  • Adhering to confidentiality rules and expectations.
  • Behaving in an accountable manner with both colleagues and clients.
  • Entering into clear, explicit agreements with colleagues and clients.
  • Committing to continuous learning and development.
  • Ongoing improvement of my own skills, knowledge, habits, and attitudes, in both emotional intelligence and other related areas.

I am committed to maintaining high standards in the following areas of development:

  • Self-awareness
  • Emotional competencies
  • Personal adaptability
  • Knowledge of emotional states and dynamics within groups and individuals

I am dedicated to relationships based on mutual benefits and strive to act in the following ways:

  • Collaborative
  • Creative
  • Open to diversity and differences
  • Accepting
  • Respectfully transformative
  • Open to feedback

I guide and manage development processes based on the following principles:

  • Building trust
  • Ensuring mutual benefits and respect
  • Embracing acceptance and support for the client

I am committed to reflective learning and apply it in my professional work using tools such as:

  • Follow-up interviews
  • Supervision
  • Mentoring by experienced and skilled professionals

I will uphold confidentiality under all circumstances and handle all information related to the Coachee or Client that comes to my knowledge during the process with the utmost discretion.